The SPEs access main storage with direct memory access ( DMA) commands that move data and instructions between main storage and a private local memory, called a local store or local storage ( LS). SPE用直接内存访问(DMA)命令访问主存储器,可以在主存储器与称为本地库或本地存储(LS)的私有本地内存之间移动数据和指令。
As the bottom layer of the ODFDOM hierarchical structure, it provides direct access to the physical storage in the ODF package, such as XML streams, pictures, and embedded objects. 它是ODFDOM层次化结构中最低的一层,它提供对ODFDOM包中的物理存储的直接访问,比如XML流、图像和嵌入的对象。
A storage group is a set of volumes on a physical storage device, DASD ( direct access storage devices) on the mainframe. 存储组是大型机上物理存储设备DASD(直接访问存储设备)上的一组卷。
You can assign one or more direct access volumes to individual storage group and use the storage group name while creating objects. 您可以为单个存储组分配一个或多个直接访问卷,并在创建对象时使用存储组名称。
Shared direct access storage device 共用直接访问存储器
Direct access storage device initialization program 直接存取存储器设备初始化程序
Removable direct access storage 可装卸式直接存取存储器
The realization of high speed digital video realtime sampling and storage associates with BUS technology, direct access to storage media, protocol, software and hardware, etc. 高速数字视频图像的实时采集和存储的实现需要涉及到总线、存储介质、阵列、协议、软件和硬件的开发等关键技术。
The primary principle of the storage manager is Direct Access to Data. 内存管理器设计的首要原则是数据直接访问(DirectAccesstoData)。
VSAM ( virtual storage access method) is a high performance access method in IBM operating system for direct access storage that runs in virtual storage and uses virtual storage to buffer input and output operations. 虚拟存贮存取方法VSAM是IBM大中型机器操作系统的组成部分,用于虚拟存贮环境中的直接存取存贮器及用虚拟存贮器作输入输出操作的缓冲。
Direct P2P-based data-transfer between client nodes can greatly improve performance of users 'access to distributed storage system. Meanwhile, it provides a new angle for how to reduce burden on storage systems. 客户机之间直接的P2P数据传输,既提高了用户的访问效率,又为如何降低存储系统负载压力提供了新的视角。
Providing direct, file-like access to storage devices is therefore the key contribution of object-based storage. 基于对象的存储的关键贡献就是提供了直接的、类似文件的存储设备访问。